(Ben Stein has a very flat voice)
Anyone home? This blog is dead as disco. But we try.
I miss you Jags. Hope someone might be up for Ohio or Peru, maybe an early trip? Cleveland crew? We'll talk.
June second. Was drinking and eBaying. That's dangerous. I once bought a pillow doing that. It arrived in a box the size of a deck of cards. Huh? It was a doll's pillow...
Don't drink and eBay.
Bought a new disc off the InterWeb.
This one:
168 Champion Beast.
June 15, day was somewhat after-storm, clouds like little boats, blustery. Wet grass. My toes felt soggy. Mark and I getting into rounds at Yorktown, as is our way.
We came off hole 4 and passed this dude with no shirt bent over his disc bag lighting a cig or a blunt (didn't look closely). He said, "Dudes, go ahead" and waved us to tee 5.
Hole 5 was in long position, 280.
You have to throw it under or through a wall of trees, over a valley, and hole is on hillside past valley. It's a pretty good heave.
Wall of trees:
View from hole, back to tee pad:
Yep, those are sweet Spider Baskets (actually called Arachnids, even more badass). The spider is widely regarded as the best catching disc golf basket ever
created, manufactured by Allen Pier in Peru, IN.
We actually had a DB steal one off our course recently. People. Freaking people.
Thank gods for this basket, because I selected my new Beast and threw a screamer hyzer under that wall of trees and it fought the headwind (as a new disc should) and then lost its energy, paused, fell hard into the chains.
Shirtless dude ran over and gave me a high five. Mark and I did the ace dance.
There it is.