Our man Mark N. has ignored me all summer so I had to get new disc friends. Mark works for the CIA. He is the una-bomber, BTW.
I was on all day. One of those quirky/odd times where you get bounces, park everything, rock drives, do stupid stuff and pretend you always throw that way. Like bouncing off tree limbs and disc drops below basket. Dumb lucky things.
As Cory said (an overall longer, stronger player than me, though maybe not as strategically keen): "Fuck"
First, we played Maconaquah Park. (This review site give this course 3 stars. Really? You suck. It is 3.5 to 4 [esp in in long tee position]. It is NOT 3 stars. No way.)
I was at one point -4, then blarred up to -1 finish. The joke of the day--a good joke, and when voiced out loud went over well--was, "Dude, you just got Maconaquah-ed." We all got Maconaquah-ed repeatedly.
For example, Jake took a snowman. Etc.
Jake puts that one in the creek. So? Creek is near dry today. He pars.
Cory rocks hole 3, big-ass turnover. He sucks it up a bit, but does par. Cory usually birdies or pars, period, unless he goes nuts with his power. Today he actually was looser than I have seen, but still a force. Kind of scary chaos, but ends up pretty near the fucking basket when all is screamed and done.
If you don't remember this course, this should help you. Fuck. How bad-ass is this hole? Way up that mountain-ass hill.
And much of the day went like this:
We went over to the man of D golf, to Pieradise. Oh wow. Dude just lives in a disc golf preserve, that's all. Envy.
I went -8 but don't get excited. He had the short pins in. I've never played these pins, and, since I have played medium and long pins, I would prefer anything but the short. I used my putter on 4 drives today. Ugh. It did allow for a 27 hole course, but coming off Maconaquah to this was a let-down.
Alen Pier is a god in my book. He had amazing discs for sale, as usual. He had a bunch of Rocs with wood embedded in the plastic, etc.
His "spiderweb" baskets are basically the best ever made, as every player knows.
Cory bought a bunch of crazy discs. Jake bought his first bag (what a moment!). I bought a sweet shirt (will unveil later) and a new disc. Ander, how does this disc fly? A TL? The best player at our home course told me to buy this disc for my game. WTF?
You know you love Pieradise. So groomed! (Cory missed this birdie putt)
Dude, Alen is too nice. I mean his farm is a D golf mecca. The shit. Now he adds long poles to help you get your disc out of the trees. And these are not just eye candy. I used one today; his trees catch discs. Just a cool guy.
I will end this post at hole # 18, where the course, uh, ends. I drop a little forehand, a little tech, L-to-R shot, right under 200 feet, on a short hole (again, pins in short position today, I'm not yelling here. I'm just saying, I'm just saying...ACE.)
Sweezeet. I posted a review on the dgcoursereview.com site to give Maconaquah a better rating, which I agree it entirely deserves. I have a soft spot in my heart for weirdo courses like this. I'd love a little fuller blog of this course in the longs especially; sad that I won't be able to play it for a while.
Congrats on the ace.
hnice job on the ace i am a disc golfer from Peru you didn't say any thing about honey bear hollow witch is one of the first disc golf courses in the world
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