Hole 10 is a turnover shot, about 240, uphill. Trees guarding the R side. I selected a Champion Sidewinder and threw it turnover high into a strong push (R to L) wind. It did the full S curve and fell right into the R side, no chains. Just right into the basket with a thunk.

This was my first ace without chains. This was also my first ace without witnesses. Aces are MUCH better with witness. I shouted and looked around, into nothing, just a parked blue Camaro, and this is a public park so I'm not approaching a parked blue Camaro.
Still, it felt good.
Summer goal # 2 is to beat my McCulloch course record (-5). The closest I have been is -3.
Summer goal # 3 is to have sex with Lady Gaga.
a) bravo! that was no cheap ace.
b) what about summer goal #4 to dethrone Ander? when did that get axed off the list?
Congrats, Sean. Well done.
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