Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Mark and Sean go Ice Disc Wind

This is up there with my top 5 worst conditions disc golf ever. #1 is still one day Ander took me out in Michigan (when I was pretty new to D golf, certainly serious D golf, but Ander is crazy) and the temp hovering around 4 degrees and my beer froze in the bottle and I started mumbling because my jaw locked up and went all wider/wider/wider white eyes.

I remember I said, "Ander, I can't talk. I mean actually form words. We need to go."

Also in my top 5 was the Madison Jags Baraboo round where it rained ice/sleet and the wind was maybe Dee Dee Ramone's ass all up in my grill. I just remember being in pair of socks 5 and cold. That round, uh, sucked. (As you all know)

Today in Muncie we had snow, sleety rain, and WIND at a steady 37 mph, gusting up to 50 (via Weather Channel). The temp was 25 during the round, with the wind, 7 degrees.

God I wish I had had my Dig Cam. At one point Mark was huddled up against a tree trying to keep out of the gale. This huge sneeze of snow blizzard wind behind him. I had a putt into the wind come back 40 feet AT ME. Like that.

We kept laughing out loud at ourselves, so that was fun.

Ever threw a disc into 40 mph wind? The "funniest" shot (not ha-ha funny) was Mark's drive that curled down into the ground, bounced in the air, caught in the wind straight up, bounced, bounced, shot across a street (all of this on its EDGE, you get it?) OB, kept bouncing.

We shot +9 and +10 and we were happy. And glad to be done. So.


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